I recently watched a Secret Church telecast called “God, Government and the Gospel”. Talk about timely! What’s interesting is that it was planned a year ago. It was six hours of packed Bible teaching. I was reminded and affirmed that while the Christian is called to submit to the governing authorities, the governing authorities are to submit to God, for their authority is delegated authority by God.
This morning in my Bible reading I was reminded again. In John 19:11 Jesus, being put on trial, tells Pilate, “You would have no authority over Me, unless it had been given you from above; for this reason he who delivered Me to you has the greater sin.”
Jesus made sure to inform Pilot that his authority was ordained by God.
Jesus and disciples of Jesus are on trial in America
Jesus and disciples of Jesus are on trial in America. We have Congress and Governors bowing down and worshiping man, mobs, and hoodlums full of violence. They may as well be saying to Jesus, “crucify him, crucify him!”. With their lips they spout Bible verses and speak Christ but their father is the devil as Jesus told the Pharisees.
I also hear the scripture, “Render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s”. What I don’t hear is “Render unto God what is God’s”. In my reading of scripture as it pertains to being a disciple of Christ, Jesus was teaching that above everything be faithful to God and His ways, even unto persecution. It seems to me that to render to God what is God’s has higher standards than submitting to a government that legalizes murdering babies and forces its citizens to pay for it, is filled with corruption, ignores any honoring of God much less submission to God, nor the boundaries of the Constitution they took an oath to uphold.
The Church is the First Responder of all first responders
I’ve put a great deal of time, thought, study and prayer into this topic for many years because I was conflicted about it. I’m convinced in my heart and mind that God is not calling me to submit to unrighteous laws or edicts that are in violation of His laws and ways. This is why I protested the lock-down that was destroying families ability to earn a living. I stand by my belief the Church should have resisted closing and trusted God, for the Church is the First Responder of all first responders. The church closing its doors tells the community we lack faith in God’s ability to protect His people in times of crisis to serve those who are hurting, scared, in need of prayer, and need Christ in us. The Church is supposed to be on the front lines of the battles affirming our faith even if we suffer, are ridiculed or look foolish to the world.
I truly understand this is a sensitive topic. I wish it weren’t divisive. I think pretty much everything in Christianity is sensitive and divisive because it’s counter-cultural. The Church is supposed to be counter-cultural in order to be salt and light to a distasteful and dark world. I’m expressing my opinion and how I’m discerning the Gospel in relation to our world, country and the culture. I’m not offended if many of my friends disagree. It’s not pleasant, though.
We’re in a spiritual war where disciples are being called to active duty
About 10 years ago God gave me a vision for a discipleship ministry. The Church and discipleship has long been the major call on my life. My gifts are wisdom, prophecy, discernment of spirits, and exhortation. Then about five years ago He directed me to speak out, to be a herald, and stop fearing man. Anyone who has gifts of prophecy and discernment and are directed to speak out are going to be rejected. I can tell you this combination of gifts is not always fun. I suffer depression, sadness, loneliness, anger, disillusionment, and discouragement. I’ve had to grow into learning how to manage it. I’ve never publicly expressed any of this, and privately to very few. However we’re at war and that’s what prophets do. They tell the people to get in order and be faithful to God. Stop bringing culture into the Gospel and instead take the Gospel to the culture. We’re in a spiritual war where disciples are being called to active duty to be on the front lines.
I’m determined to keep moving forward into the discipleship ministry vision. I experienced a temporary set back by the Coronavirus. One module of the ministry is spiritual warfare training. This is what God directed me to do first. You can read about it here.
I love you all. I respect our varying opinions. I’m writing this not because I’m “venting”, but because I’m persuaded by God to do so. Peace in Christ and may each of us take seriously our individual callings and roles in the spiritual battle for souls and for the edification and equipping of the body of Christ in these challenging times.