Christian discipleship training ministry
Christian discipleship training will make fearless disciples of Christ who are dangerous to darkness and evil. We are ambassadors of Christ sent into the wild frontier in love, grace, mercy and power to redeem territory for Christ that has been relinquished, or taken by the enemy. The disciple of Christ training teaches how to love and serve others. When necessary the trained disciple does spiritual warfare against evil in the power and authority of Christ to protect, redeem, restore, and bring others to salvation in Christ. Christians are called to be Salt & Light in a distasteful and darkened world. This is the Great Adventure!
In the recesses of your heart the real you longs to break out and pursue your calling in the Greatest Adventure Ever: The Wild Kingdom of God! Kudos! Ministry is a discipleship training and education resource that equips and exhorts Christians to enthusiastically pursue their roles as victorious disciples of Christ.
Kudos! Ministry, SSM is a non-profit Christian discipleship training ministry to equip and exhort Christians to be powerful, effective disciples of Christ.
Kudos is Greek for “praise; honor; glory; acclaim; renown”. Who is most deserving of kudos? Almighty God and the Lord Jesus Christ!
Christian discipleship training ministry
Christian discipleship training will make fearless disciples of Christ who are dangerous to darkness and evil. We are ambassadors of Christ sent into the wild frontier in love, grace, mercy and power to redeem territory for Christ that has been relinquished, or taken by the enemy. The disciple of Christ training teaches how to love and serve others. When necessary the trained disciple does spiritual warfare against evil in the power and authority of Christ to protect, redeem, restore, and bring others to salvation in Christ. Christians are called to be Salt & Light in a distasteful and darkened world. This is the Great Adventure!
In the recesses of your heart the real you longs to break out and pursue your calling in the Greatest Adventure Ever: The Wild Kingdom of God! Kudos! Ministry is a discipleship training and education resource that equips and exhorts Christians to enthusiastically pursue their roles as victorious disciples of Christ.
Kudos! Ministry, SSM is a non-profit Christian discipleship training ministry to equip and exhort Christians to be powerful, effective disciples of Christ.
Kudos is Greek for “praise; honor; glory; acclaim; renown”. Who is most deserving of kudos? Almighty God and the Lord Jesus Christ!
Christian discipleship training ministry
Christian discipleship training will make fearless disciples of Christ who are dangerous to darkness and evil. We are ambassadors of Christ sent into the wild frontier in love, grace, mercy and power to redeem territory for Christ that has been relinquished, or taken by the enemy. The disciple of Christ training teaches how to love and serve others. When necessary the trained disciple does spiritual warfare against evil in the power and authority of Christ to protect, redeem, restore, and bring others to salvation in Christ. Christians are called to be Salt & Light in a distasteful and darkened world. This is the Great Adventure!
In the recesses of your heart the real you longs to break out and pursue your calling in the Greatest Adventure Ever: The Wild Kingdom of God! Kudos! Ministry is a discipleship training and education resource that equips and exhorts Christians to enthusiastically pursue their roles as victorious disciples of Christ.
Kudos! Ministry, SSM is a non-profit Christian discipleship training ministry to equip and exhort Christians to be powerful, effective disciples of Christ.
Kudos is Greek for “praise; honor; glory; acclaim; renown”. Who is most deserving of kudos? Almighty God and the Lord Jesus Christ!